High blood pressure can lead to problems with the heart, kidneys, and brain, but these steps can help reduce hypertension


Ideal blood pressure is an important part of a person’s overall health. And no matter what your age, having high blood pressure can lead to heart problems, an increased risk of stroke, poor vision, diabetes, and even kidney problems.


However, blood pressure among the elderly can often be difficult to control. For example, one of the best ways to control it is exercise, but it can be difficult for many older individuals to stay active. Another step is changes in the diet, but this of course takes a bit of willpower and education about healthy eating.


But that doesn’t mean you can’t take steps to help your elderly loved one. It almost goes without saying that a senior should take all medications prescribed by their doctor. But beyond that, by being a little creative and caring, you can do your part to reign in a senior’s high blood pressure.
Help them with light exercise and activity


A steady, consistent exercise routine is one of the top ways to control high blood pressure. But it can be hard for a wheelchair-bound senior, or someone who requires the assistance of a walker, to get enough physical movement. However, there are some things you can do, such as taking them to a pool for a few laps or water aerobics, or assisting them on regular walks or even hobbies that involve light activity. Light weights can be helpful, as can resistance bands or even a can of food from the pantry.
Reduce the salt in their diet


Salt in an essential part of our nutrition, but as far as modern diets are concerned, we generally eat far too much of it. While salt is important for helping the body store water, too much salt leads to too much stored water, which in turn leads to high blood pressure. Too much salt puts a strain on your arteries, heart, kidneys, and brain, and reducing intake can help lower blood pressure.


If you are responsible for preparing a senior’s food, consider using fresh meats and vegetables over pre-packaged or canned items. If you purchase frozen fruits, look for items that are labeled “fresh frozen,” which indicates (but doesn’t guarantee) lower sodium. You should also choose frozen items with no sauce or gravy. Finally, be sure to look at sodium content in any packaged food before purchase.
An elderly person should get plenty of sleep


According to the Mayo Clinic, sleep can help regulate blood pressure, so making sure a senior gets enough sleep can make a big difference in their health. Sleeping fewer than six hours a night on a regular basis (which is often the case with elderly individuals) could eventually lead to or exacerbate high blood pressure, so do what you can to ensure your elderly loved one gets plenty of rest.
Helping maintain health and control blood pressure


Do you need care for your elderly loved one in South Florida? Are you looking for assistance with high blood pressure or another health condition? Call FirstLantic anytime at 877-618-3624 or fill out our online contact form to see how we can help.


Whether you live in Broward, Palm Beach, St. Lucie, Indian River, or Martin Counties, you’ll get caring, reliable service from a trusted team.