24 07, 2023

How the U.S. Healthcare System Can Benefit from Global Best Practices

2023-07-24T13:37:16-04:00July 24th, 2023|Categories: Healthcare, Healthcare Coordination|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

  The United States boasts many achievements in various fields, but one area that continues to challenge the nation is its healthcare system. Despite significant medical research, technological advancements, and some of the best hospitals in the world, the U.S. struggles with high costs, unequal access to care, and suboptimal health outcomes. In fact, the U.S. far outspends other Western countries in per capita spending and yet has higher infant mortality rates, shorter life spans, and greater out-of-pocket costs. To address these challenges, looking beyond national borders and learning from the best practices implemented in other countries is essential. In this blog, FirstLantic Healthcare explores how the U.S. healthcare system could benefit from studying and adopting successful healthcare models globally.   Emphasize Preventive Care:   Many countries with [...]

19 09, 2022

How Home HealthCare Can Drastically Cut Costs

2022-12-19T02:45:56-05:00September 19th, 2022|Categories: Aging, At Home Healthcare, Healthcare, Home Caregivers, Home Companions, home healthcare|Tags: , , , , |

A study published by the American Journal of Medicine (AJM) reported that home healthcare versus a hospital stay can provide a mean unadjusted savings of $15,233 per patient. In circumstances where extensive care is necessary, hospital costs can be financially crippling – even with insurance. In these cases, in-home care can provide significant financial relief for individuals and insurance companies and prevent further increases in healthcare costs.   It can also be safer for the patient as they are not vulnerable to hospital-acquired infections and other complications of inpatient care. FirstLantic, a company devoted to quality home care, highlights six reasons why being treated at home can be better for the patient while reducing healthcare costs simultaneously.   Decreased readmissions and deaths. The same AJM [...]

22 08, 2022

Six Ways to Be Your Own Health Advocate

2022-12-19T02:55:38-05:00August 22nd, 2022|Categories: Health, Healthcare, Healthcare Advocacy, Patient Advocacy|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“The doctor always knows best.”  It wasn’t that long ago when many people believed it was inappropriate to question anything their doctor said. After all, they were the ones that went to medical school, so they must have all the answers, right? But no matter how good your doctor is, you still need to be your own healthcare advocate. You know your body better than anyone else. Taking control means that you and your doctors make decisions as a team and that any concerns you have should be addressed. Taking an active role in your health matters as it ensures you get the services and support you need. FirstLantic offers six tips to ensure that you get the best treatment possible.   1. Do Your [...]

FirstLantic Healthcare

FirstLantic Healthcare is a privately owned and operated home care agency, providing compassionate, professional care to clients in the South Florida community since 2000.

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