Prostate Cancer in Senior Men: What You Need to Know

2024-09-16T09:36:44-04:00September 16th, 2024|Categories: Prostate Cancer|

Prostate cancer in senior men is one of the most common cancers, particularly those over the age of 65. With September being Prostate Cancer Awareness Month, it is a good time to take a moment to learn more. As men age, their risk of developing this cancer increases significantly, making prostate cancer in senior men critical.  While early detection and treatment have significantly improved outcomes, understanding the specific risks, symptoms, and treatment options available for seniors is essential. Risk Factors for Prostate Cancer in Seniors Age is the primary risk factor for prostate cancer. Statistics show that nearly 60% of all prostate cancer diagnoses occur in men aged 65 and older. Other significant risk factors include: Family History: Men with a family history of prostate [...]