The Benefits of Music and Art Therapy on Alzheimer’s Patients

2022-12-19T20:57:23-05:00June 20th, 2022|Categories: Alzheimers, Art Therapy, Dementia, Music Therapy|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Updated June 19, 2022   Haven’t we all heard a song or seen a painting that brings us back to a certain point in time? Whether it reminds us of first love, a family holiday, or a day at a favorite museum, beautiful memories can trigger certain feelings and emotions.   But for people with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, the luxury of memory is often completely gone.   One of the most devastating parts about these illnesses is watching the person you knew and loved transform into an entirely different version of themselves. Speaking can become almost impossible for the patient suffering, and forgetting friends and family is a common part of the disease progression.   But what if you could reconnect with your loved ones by simply [...]