March is National Nutrition Month!  It’s a time for each of us to focus on our diet and its’ effects on our health and wellbeing.  And it’s also a good opportunity to reflect on how our health affects our loved ones as well.  If you’re not healthy, chances are that you aren’t living life to its’ fullest and it’s probably preventing you from taking advantage of enjoyable activities with friends and family.  So, take this month to regroup, look at your own eating and exercise habits and press the restart button on your health and happiness.  To get you started, FirstLantic Healthcare created this quiz so you can test your knowledge on basic nutrition.  Answers are at the bottom but no peaking!


  1. How many glasses of water should you drink per day?

A.2 to 3

B.4 to 6

C.8 to 12

D.13 to 15


  1. How many dark green vegetables such as broccoli, peppers, brussels sprouts and leafy greens should you eat per week?

A. Once per week

B. Twice per week

C. Four times a week

D. Every day


  1. How much calcium should the average adult over 50 years old get in their daily diet?

A. 300 mg

B. 500 mg

C. 750 mg

D. 1200 mg


  1. Which of the following foods has the highest calcium content?

A. Whole milk

B. Yogurt

C. Cooked spinach

D. Sesame seeds


  1. You should eat fish once per week. True or False?


  1. If you are at a higher risk for heart disease, you should not consume more than 400mg of cholesterol per day. True or False?


  1. Which of the following foods contains the highest mg of cholesterol? 

A. Eggs

B. Whole Milk

C. Cheddar Cheese

D. Lobster



  1. Vegans and vegetarians have a hard time getting enough protein in their diet. True or False?


  1. Certain foods can benefit your eyes. Which of the following is good for your eye health?  Check all that apply.

A. Sweet potatoes

B. Kale

C. Strawberries

D. Salmon

E. Peanut Butter


  1. What are the best foods to help prevent memory loss? Check all that apply.

A. Eggs

B. Walnuts

C. Salmon

D. Dark Berries

E. Dark Greens



Answers Below:


  1. The answer is C. You should drink 8 to 10 glasses of water per day.  The other good news is that water is great for your skin and as a bonus it keeps you feeling full, so you don’t eat as much!


  1. The answer is C. The average person should eat green vegetables three to four times per week.


  1. The answer is D. The average person over 50 should get 1200 mg of calcium per day to keep bones strong and healthy.


  1. The answer is B. While all of these foods are higher than average in calcium, yogurt has 450mg per cup as opposed to milk at 300mg per cup, cooked spinach at 240mg per cup, and sesame seeds at 280mg per 1 ounce.  Try to eat plain yogurt and flavor yourself with honey so you could the most nutritional value with the least calories.


  1. The answer is False. You should eat fish three to four times per week.


  1. The answer is False. If you are at risk for heart disease, you should not consume more than 200mg per day of cholesterol and if you are not at risk, you should not consume more than 300mg per day.


  1. The answer is A. One egg has 212mg of cholesterol while whole milk has 33mg, cheddar cheese has 33mg and lobster has 71mg.


  1. The answer is False. Adequate protein can easily be attained without meat through a well-planned and varied diet. Plant-based protein typically contains more dietary fiber and less saturated fat than animal-based sources of protein. These two factors are cornerstones of a heart-healthy diet.  There are many versatile plant-based sources of protein that fit into a healthy eating plan: legumes (beans, lentils, peas, and peanuts), soy products, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. For lacto-ovo vegetarians, low-fat or fat-free dairy and eggs can also be an important protein source.  Vegans may benefit from consuming slightly more protein than their meat- and dairy-eating counterparts. That’s because protein from whole grains and legumes has lower digestibility than animal protein. Protein from plant foods is encased in plant cell walls, which are hard to penetrate and digest. For high-protein vegan options, some familiar foods may already include bean burritos, tofu and vegetable stir-fries, or lentil chili.


  1. The answers are A, B, C, D. Kale is a source of lutein and zeaxanthin, which are related to vitamin A and beta-carotene, and may help protect eye tissues from sunlight damage and reduce the risk of eye changes related to aging. Sweet Potatoes have Beta-carotene which gives them their orange color. Your body converts beta-carotene to vitamin A, a nutrient that helps prevent dry eyes and night blindness. For beta-carotene, try other deep orange foods, such as carrots and butternut squash, plus dark green foods including spinach and collard greens. Liver, milk, and eggs are also sources of vitamin A.  Strawberries are good for your eyes because they contain plenty of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant that may help lower your risk of cataracts. Besides helping with the absorption of certain nutrients, some healthy fats also contain omega-3s and salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids.


  1. The answers are B, C, D, E – While there is no guarantee that these foods will absolutely prevent memory loss, studies have shown that consuming these foods can help. Getting adequate vegetables, especially broccoli, cabbage, and dark leafy greens, may help improve memory.  Berries — especially dark ones such as blackberries and blueberries, as well as cherries — are a source of anthocyanins and other flavonoids that may support memory function. Seafood, algae, and fatty fish — including salmon, bluefin tuna, sardines, and herring — are some of the best sources of the omega-3 fatty acid, DHA which may help memory loss. Well known for its positive impact on heart health, walnuts also may improve cognitive function.