Home/Tag: #Seniors
14 11, 2022

Reasons to Get Help From a Home Caregiver During the Holidays

2023-02-21T12:11:48-05:00November 14th, 2022|Categories: At Home Healthcare, Caregivers, Home Caregivers|Tags: , , , , , , , |

'Tis the season for eggnog, decorations, parties, and celebrating with family and friends. However, it can also be the season of fighting for a parking spot, endless meal preparation, and trying to find the perfect gift for everyone on your list. Add that to the reality of being a caregiver for your loved one, and you have a recipe for stress. There are only so many hours in the day, so how do you balance it all without a migraine? One way to take the burden off yourself is to hire a home caregiver. Home care professionals are trained specifically on elder care issues. They can not only help with the healthcare needs of seniors, but they can also assist with light housework, cooking, shopping, [...]

7 11, 2022

Five Steps to Bonding with Your Home Health Caregiver

2022-12-19T21:05:50-05:00November 7th, 2022|Categories: Caregivers, Home Health Caregiver|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Updated November 7, 2022   Home health caregivers provide invaluable services, ensuring you get the necessary support as you age.  Depending on your needs, they can assist with medication management, personal hygiene, light housekeeping, transportation, and more. And they become a much-needed companion to offer help so you can stay in the comfort of your own home. But having a new person in your household can be an adjustment. That’s why it’s crucial to find the right person and build a strong partnership based on mutual trust and respect. FirstLantic Healthcare offers tips on the best ways to connect with your home health caregiver.   Communication   Communication is the key to any good relationship, so why would it be different with a caregiver? However, strong communication takes work and [...]

31 10, 2022

Discussing Home Healthcare with Your Parents

2022-12-19T21:06:42-05:00October 31st, 2022|Categories: At Home Healthcare, home healthcare|Tags: , , , , , , |

Home Healthcare - is it time to have a discussion with your parents?  Seeing someone you love become more forgetful or frail is difficult. After all, your parents were the ones that always took care of you. They comforted you when you skinned your knee, helped put you through college, and reassured you when you had problems with your own kids. So how do you have that difficult conversation when you think they might need help? While it may not be totally comfortable, FirstLantic offers some communication techniques that can make it easier.   Assess the situation.   If you have already tried speaking with your parents about home healthcare and run into a brick wall, take a step back and assess why they may [...]

26 10, 2022

Home Health Care and Assisted Living Myths

2022-12-19T02:40:14-05:00October 26th, 2022|Categories: At Home Healthcare, Health|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

The choice between home healthcare and assisted living can be difficult.  Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions about both. FirstLantic wants to help you make the best possible decision for care. Take the short quiz below to test your knowledge and ensure you have the facts.  Answers are provided at the end.   1. Home Healthcare Aides (HHA) always live in the home of their clients. True or False.   2. Home Healthcare services can include which of the following? Medication management Light household chores Transportation to appointments Companionship All of the above   3. Independent Living and Communities for Age 55+ are basically the same. True or False.   4. Home Healthcare is often more expensive than assisted living. True or False.   5. Home care [...]

17 10, 2022

Diabetes:  How to Reverse Symptoms without Medication

2022-12-19T21:07:23-05:00October 17th, 2022|Categories: At Home Healthcare, Diabetes|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

Diabetes affects an estimated 34.2 million or 10.5% of the population in the U.S., according to research from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control. That number includes 210,000 children and adolescents younger than age 20. Compared to other Western countries, the statistics for Americans are significantly higher.   For example, the number of Italians suffering from the disease is almost half that of Americans.   So, why is the rate in the U.S. so much higher than in other parts of the world, and what can we do about it? FirstLantic, a company dedicated to quality home healthcare, provides some insights.   Reasons for Increases in Diabetes within the U.S:   Not enough exercise Too much fast food Not enough fruits and vegetables Too many processed [...]

10 10, 2022

Four Types of Home Healthcare Services for Veterans

2022-12-19T21:07:56-05:00October 10th, 2022|Categories: home healthcare, Veterans, Veterans Home Healthcare|Tags: , , , , , |

Veterans deserve the best home healthcare possible. After all, they risked their lives to protect the freedoms that all Americans enjoy. But because veterans are used to sacrificing for others, it can be difficult for them to ask for help as they get older. Many would prefer to stay in the comfort of their home while remaining independent for as long as possible. That’s why it’s ideal if they can age in place while getting necessary services such as assistance with household chores, medication management, or nursing care. FirstLantic provides information about the home healthcare benefits available for our military heroes.   Home Telehealth   Operated by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), home telehealth is likely an appealing option for many veterans. A senior is still [...]

26 09, 2022

How Seniors Can Benefit from Healthcare Coordination

2022-12-19T21:08:52-05:00September 26th, 2022|Categories: Aging, Health, Healthcare Coordination|Tags: , , , , , , , |

According to a survey by CareMore Health, 70% of senior patients need better healthcare coordination. Other research shows that 35 percent of those over age 65 have no one assisting them with coordinating their care, and 34 percent say a family member is helping them. The American health care system has become incredibly fragmented and complex and often involves managing multiple specialists, medications, and physician appointments. That's why professional care coordination can be so beneficial. FirstLantic Healthcare examines how this service can be a lifesaver for seniors and their families.   Why is proactive care management so important?   With many older Americans having at least two chronic conditions, the lack of a holistic approach to their medical care can lead to catastrophic results. Today, over [...]

22 08, 2022

Six Ways to Be Your Own Health Advocate

2022-12-19T02:55:38-05:00August 22nd, 2022|Categories: Health, Healthcare, Healthcare Advocacy, Patient Advocacy|Tags: , , , , , , , |

“The doctor always knows best.”  It wasn’t that long ago when many people believed it was inappropriate to question anything their doctor said. After all, they were the ones that went to medical school, so they must have all the answers, right? But no matter how good your doctor is, you still need to be your own healthcare advocate. You know your body better than anyone else. Taking control means that you and your doctors make decisions as a team and that any concerns you have should be addressed. Taking an active role in your health matters as it ensures you get the services and support you need. FirstLantic offers six tips to ensure that you get the best treatment possible.   1. Do Your [...]

8 08, 2022

Seven Tips for Seniors Battling Inflation

2022-12-19T21:10:00-05:00August 8th, 2022|Categories: #Stress, Budgets, Inflation, Retirement, Seniors|Tags: , , , , , , |

Inflation is creating difficulties for people globally, but it can create an even more significant hardship for seniors on fixed incomes. There are over 56 million Americans that are 65 years of age and older, and about 12 percent of them live solely on Social Security, which pays an average of $1,658 per month. While payments have increased by 5.9% to account for cost-of-living adjustments, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the consumer price index jumped 8.3% year-over-year in April. So, if you are a senior living on a fixed income, what can you do to adjust your lifestyle until inflation gets under control? FirstLantic offers five tips that you can put into action today.   Consider getting a roommate. While you may [...]

25 07, 2022

Senior Employees; the Secret Weapon of Successful Businesses

2022-12-19T20:56:51-05:00July 25th, 2022|Categories: Ageism, Business, Careers, Labor Shortage, Older Workers|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

How often do you hear a hiring manager from a company say, "We've got to hire older workers." Just taking a guess – but probably not frequently. And yet, older workers could be one of the secret weapons to overcome the labor shortage. While many companies struggle to find qualified employees, Americans over 65 are one of the few demographic groups where employment levels have not recovered to pre-pandemic levels. So, why are companies ignoring this demographic, and why should they make a concerted effort to recruit older workers? FirstLantic explains why a company’s greatest asset may be older workers.   First, we don't have to guess why most businesses don't hire older workers. Ageism does exist. A research study on behalf of Deloitte asked [...]

FirstLantic Healthcare

FirstLantic Healthcare is a privately owned and operated home care agency, providing compassionate, professional care to clients in the South Florida community since 2000.

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