Home/Tag: #homecare
20 06, 2022

The Benefits of Music and Art Therapy on Alzheimer’s Patients

2022-12-19T20:57:23-05:00June 20th, 2022|Categories: Alzheimers, Art Therapy, Dementia, Music Therapy|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Updated June 19, 2022   Haven’t we all heard a song or seen a painting that brings us back to a certain point in time? Whether it reminds us of first love, a family holiday, or a day at a favorite museum, beautiful memories can trigger certain feelings and emotions.   But for people with Alzheimer’s or Dementia, the luxury of memory is often completely gone.   One of the most devastating parts about these illnesses is watching the person you knew and loved transform into an entirely different version of themselves. Speaking can become almost impossible for the patient suffering, and forgetting friends and family is a common part of the disease progression.   But what if you could reconnect with your loved ones by simply [...]

14 06, 2022

Five Challenges Facing Older Americans

2022-12-19T20:57:38-05:00June 14th, 2022|Categories: Aging, At Home Healthcare, Loneliness and Isolation, Mental Wellness|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Part One in a Two-Part Series   Turning on the news these days can certainly make it seem like the world is collapsing. And while the negative headlines usually get the attention, there is no doubt that there are significant social unrest issues that seem to have been exacerbated by the pandemic. But that isn’t the only difficulty older Americans are facing. In part one of this two-part series, FirstLantic Healthcare, looks at some of the challenges facing our elderly population today. In part two, we will examine some of the possible solutions.   Shortages in Geriatric Healthcare Professionals   For the first time in our history, older adults are projected to be the largest demographic group. In 2034, there will be 77 million seniors [...]

31 05, 2022

Five Reasons Pets Are Good For Your Health

2022-12-19T03:11:45-05:00May 31st, 2022|Categories: #Stress, Aging, At Home Healthcare, Health, heart health, Loneliness and Isolation, Mental Wellness, Pets|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

In addition to May being Mental Health Awareness Month, we also celebrated National Pet Month. At first, you may not think they have anything in common, but for anyone who has ever had a pet in their life, you know how good they can be for your state of mind. In fact, a scientific study says owning a dog is linked with living longer. Ten studies that included more than three million participants showed that dog owners had a 24% risk reduction for death from any cause. But how do pets positively affect overall wellness? FirstLantic, a company devoted to quality healthcare, lists five benefits furry friends have on our health and well-being.   Pet owners, especially those with dogs, often take advantage of the positive [...]

23 05, 2022

Home Care Options for Aging Veterans

2022-12-19T20:58:38-05:00May 23rd, 2022|Categories: Aging, At Home Healthcare, Family Caregivers, Health, Veterans|Tags: , , , , , , , |

At FirstLantic, we believe everyone is entitled to the best healthcare possible, especially our veterans. After all, they risked their lives to protect the freedoms that all Americans enjoy. But because veterans are used to sacrificing for others, it can be difficult for them to ask for help as they get older. Many would prefer to stay in the comfort of their home while remaining independent for as long as possible. That’s why it’s ideal if they can age in place while getting necessary services such as assistance with household chores, medication management, or nursing care.   With Memorial Day right around the corner, it's an excellent time to provide a refresher on the benefits available for our military heroes.   Home Telehealth   Operated by [...]

17 05, 2022

Five of the Best Mental Wellness Podcasts

2022-12-19T20:59:22-05:00May 17th, 2022|Categories: #Stress, Aging, Loneliness and Isolation, mental health, Mental Wellness, Mental Wellness Podcasts|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , |

Since 1949, Mental Health Awareness Month has been celebrated in May.  The goal is to reach as many people as possible and provide foundational knowledge about mental health and what people can do if they are concerned about themselves or a loved one.  Over the last two years, feelings of loneliness and isolation have increased due to the pandemic.  And there is no doubt that many of us are still struggling with anxiety or stress as we work towards finding the new “normal”.   The important thing to remember is that you are not alone.  If you are experiencing some of these issues, you might benefit from a “safe space” — somewhere where you can retreat (at your leisure) to hear from experts or other people [...]

2 05, 2022

Six Ways to Address Family Caregiver Stress

2022-12-19T21:00:11-05:00May 2nd, 2022|Categories: Aging, At Home Healthcare, Caregivers, Family Caregivers, Home Caregivers, Home Companions, Retirement|Tags: , , , , , |

As more senior adults choose to age in place, family members increasingly bear the responsibility of ensuring their loved ones can live safely at home. Whether it’s helping them out with chores around the house or providing full-time support, it’s estimated that there are now 48 million family caregivers within the United States. And as caregivers try to balance their personal life with the needs of their loved ones, their stress has also increased significantly. FirstLantic explains the importance of recognizing caregiver strain and techniques to address it.   Causes of Stress   Caregiver stress can stem from a variety of factors, including increased responsibility, time demands, unfamiliar medical and nursing tasks, and the financial burden. A recent AARP report found that the average family [...]

19 04, 2022

Five New Developments in Parkinson’s Disease Research

2022-12-19T21:00:45-05:00April 19th, 2022|Categories: assisted living, At Home Healthcare, Home Caregivers, Parkinson's Disease, Parkinson's Disease Research, Parkinson's Research, Parkinson's Treatments|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month. Although there is no cure for the disease, research and treatments are being conducted that are showing promise. However, if you or a loved one is suffering, the answers can't come soon enough. FirstLantic wants to make sure that you know the cutting-edge research underway and actions that you can take to help impact the future.   What is Parkinson’s Disease?   Parkinson’s happens when cells in the brain that produce dopamine stop working or die. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter, a chemical that sends messages between nerve cells or between nerve cells and muscle cells to help the body function. Dopamine plays many roles in the body and affects physical and mental processes. Parkinson’s is progressive, and symptoms include tremors, [...]

14 04, 2022

Five Travel Groups Specializing in Trips for Seniors

2022-12-19T21:01:17-05:00April 14th, 2022|Categories: #holidays, Senior Travel, Travel, Trips|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |

For some seniors, the perfect trip is lying on the beach with a pina colada; for others, it involves activities like cycling or hiking. For still others, it's about the intellectual pursuit of learning new things. With the last two years forcing many of us to curb any idea of travel, many people are eager to start planning their next trip. And fortunately, there is no shortage of options. Many travel organizers now specialize in trips for a 50-plus audience. According to a recent AARP survey, 67% of older travelers anticipate they will travel in 2022 — taking an average of at least four trips this year. So, FirstLantic (with the help of Travel and Leisure) has consolidated a list of travel organizers that can [...]

4 04, 2022

How to Make Senior Life Transitions Less Stressful

2022-12-19T03:20:18-05:00April 4th, 2022|Categories: #Stess, Aging, Financial Decisions, Loneliness and Isolation|Tags: , , , , , , , |

12 million - The number of Americans over age 65 who live alone, according to a report by the Pew Research Center.   And according to the U.S. Census, the rate of childless individuals among boomers is close to 20% with 27%. That means that many of these seniors will lack familial support and advocacy should they need it. Unfortunately, as we age and our mental or physical health may decline, that's the time when we need support the most. In addition to making critical medical decisions, there is a confusing maze of insurance, healthcare options, estate planning, etc. All these things are confusing for people of any age but especially difficult when you are at a vulnerable point in your life.   Understanding the cost of [...]

29 03, 2022

Environmentally Friendly Spring Cleaning Tips

2022-12-19T03:24:42-05:00March 29th, 2022|Categories: Environmentally friendly products, Spring Cleaning|Tags: , , , , , |

Spring has finally sprung!  Flowers in bloom, longer days, and the best part of all – spring cleaning.  Okay, well maybe that’s not the best part but it sure does feel good once you’ve finished.  But how do you do it in a way that’s good for you and the planet? Because let’s face it, toxic chemicals and a bunch of waste that is going to end up in a landfill are not good for anyone.  Since FirstLantic Healthcare cares about your wellbeing, we’re aggregating some techniques for you to get things spotless using natural ingredients as well as tips on recycling the things you decide to discard.  So, let’s get cleaning!   Clean stainless-steel sinks with baking soda Wet your sink and faucet, sprinkle [...]

FirstLantic Healthcare

FirstLantic Healthcare is a privately owned and operated home care agency, providing compassionate, professional care to clients in the South Florida community since 2000.

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