6 12, 2021

You’re Only as Young as You Feel

2022-12-19T20:50:05-05:00December 6th, 2021|Categories: Growth Mindset, Health, mental health, Mental Wellness, Mindset|Tags: , , , , |

We have all heard the old adage that it’s all in your head.  But what if it really is?  What if your mindset could literally change your life for the better?  Well, the reality is that it can.  At least the right attitude can.  Scientists have done a vast amount of research on how the mind affects the body.  And it becomes even more critical as you age.   And that’s when that other cliché turns out to be correct as well; “you’re only as old as you feel."   In fact, studies have shown that people with a positive mindset about aging live on average 7.5 years longer than those without because attitude affects happiness, health, the speed of the aging process, and even how long we [...]

15 11, 2021

Why Insomnia Increases as We Age

2022-12-19T20:51:37-05:00November 15th, 2021|Categories: Aging, Health, Insomnia, mental health, Mental Wellness|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Do you ever wish you could literally sleep like a baby again?  Sleep does not come easy for many of us, and it becomes even more problematic as we age.  Of course, that's not true for everyone, like my husband snoring next to me as I write this.  However, it is a fact that the older we get, the more problems we have falling asleep and staying asleep.  In fact, researchers estimate that between 40% and 70% of older adults have chronic sleep issues, and up to half of those cases may go undiagnosed.  So why do sleep patterns change as we age, and what can we do about it?   Changes in Circadian Rhythm   There are many theories as to why sleep patterns [...]

11 10, 2021

Celebrating Case Manager Week

2022-12-19T20:02:26-05:00October 11th, 2021|Categories: Aging, assisted living, CaseWorkers, Health, Nursing|Tags: , , , |

If any group of professionals has been tasked with a herculean task, it is certainly those working within the healthcare industry.  From doctors to nurses to case managers, they have been on the front lines risking their own health, working grueling schedules, and dealing with incredible stress.  That’s why it’s so crucial to celebrate these professionals for their contributions.  Case management week which begins on October 11th and continues through the 17th is an opportunity to recognize the importance of this role and to thank them for their dedication.  This year’s theme is Transitions through Care, Expertise, and Integrity and it could not be more appropriate as healthcare professionals try to maneuver within the new reality of a global pandemic.   Many people may not [...]

5 10, 2021

How Aging Affects Your Eyesight

2022-12-19T20:17:51-05:00October 5th, 2021|Categories: Aging, Eye Sight, Health, Vision|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |

Vision loss is a significant health issue among the elderly. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, one in three individuals suffers from some form of vision-reducing eye disease by the age of 65.  The most common causes of vision loss among seniors are glaucoma, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, and diabetic retinopathy.  Seniors and their family members must be aware of these conditions, especially since approximately 70 million Americans will be over the age of 65 by the year 2023.   FirstLantic wants to make sure you have all the information necessary so that you can spot the signs and get help if necessary.  Here’s what you need to know:   How Aging Affects Your Vision   Most major eye diseases and conditions are age-related. Research [...]

28 09, 2021

Breast Cancer Awareness – Learn the Facts

2021-09-28T11:32:39-04:00September 28th, 2021|Categories: Health|Tags: , , , |

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an annual campaign to raise awareness about the impact of breast cancer. wants to ensure that you know the facts about this disease because it could save you or a loved one’s life.  Take our short breast cancer quiz and test your knowledge.  Answers are given at the end of the quiz.   1. How many women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime? A. 1 in 20 B. 1 in 10 C. 1 in 8 D. 1 in 5   2. How many women will die from breast cancer this year in the U.S.? A. 2,000 B. 5,000 C. 21,000 D. 43,000   3. Can men get breast cancer? A. Yes B. No   4. Which women [...]

14 09, 2021

What is bad cholesterol and why does it matter?

2022-12-19T20:22:03-05:00September 14th, 2021|Categories: Cooking, Diet, Fitness, Health|Tags: , , |

We have all heard that having a high cholesterol score is not good for our health.  But you may not know what good and bad Cholesterol is, why it matters and what to do about it if you are in an unhealthy range.  So, in support of National Cholesterol Education Month, FirstLantic wants to do our part to educate on the risks of high Cholesterol and provide some simple steps to get you back on the path to health.  High Cholesterol is a huge problem that affects 102 million Americans over the age of 20.  It can be caused by an unhealthy diet, lack of exercise, and exacerbated by smoking.   What is Cholesterol exactly?   Cholesterol is a waxy type of fat or lipid [...]

7 09, 2021

Get Cooking with These Heart Healthy Recipes

2022-12-19T20:23:04-05:00September 7th, 2021|Categories: Cooking, food, Health|Tags: , , |

If you missed FirstLantic’s blog last week, we provided some reasons to eat healthier and do your heart a favor.  We also included two easy and nutritious meals to try that take 25 minutes or less to prepare. If you didn’t take it to “heart” last week (pardon the pun), we’re going to give it one more good old-fashioned college try by tempting you with two more delicious recipes.  But first, take this brief quiz and see how well you do.  Click on the hyperlink in each question to get the answer.   Which country in the world has the highest life expectancy? A. Switzerland B. Japan C. United States D. Hong Kong, China What percentage of the population in the U.S. has diabetes? A. [...]

31 08, 2021

Treat Your Heart Right with These Healthy Recipes

2022-12-19T20:24:13-05:00August 31st, 2021|Categories: Diet, Fitness, Health|Tags: , |

September is Healthy Aging Month. Whether you're already taking care of yourself and want to maintain that, or you're ready to turn a new leaf, it's never too late to start eating better to protect your heart.  Heart disease is the leading cause of death for men, women, and people of most racial and ethnic groups in the United States. One person dies every 36 seconds in the U.S. from cardiovascular disease. Heart disease can be linked to obesity, lack of exercise, smoking, and eating oversized portions and unhealthy foods. Maybe if we thought more about what an amazing organ our heart really is, we would treat it better. The fact is that your heart beats about 115,000 times and pumps 2,000 gallons of blood every day. It’s truly a wonderous machine.   [...]

24 08, 2021

Seniors: Start Planning for Hurricane Season Now

2022-12-19T20:28:03-05:00August 24th, 2021|Categories: Health, Hurricane, Safety|Tags: , , , , |

If you've lived in South Florida (or anywhere along the East Coast) for any length of time, you've probably seen more than your share of hurricane forecasts, scary-looking radar images, emergency alerts, evacuations, and property damage. Seniors can find hurricane scenarios especially worrying. If you haven't made proper preparations for hurricane season, now's the time to start, whether you're a senior or you care for a senior who may need extra help during one of these natural disasters. Let's examine some ways careful planning can help keep you and yours safe when the weather turns ugly.   The Need for a Hurricane Disaster Plan   Hurricanes and Florida seem to have an affinity for each other, and not just South Florida. At least one hurricane [...]

10 08, 2021

Seniors Going For Gold!

2022-12-19T20:29:50-05:00August 10th, 2021|Categories: Diet, Fitness, Health|Tags: , , |

For the Olympic athletes that competed in Tokyo, the games are now over.  However, athletes over 50 planning to compete in the “Senior Olympics” haven't even begun.  That's because their event was canceled due to concerns around COVID.  For these competitors, their moment will have to wait until 2022, when it’s expected to occur in Florida.   However, while the senior games do not lack a competitive spirit, they were initially started with a higher purpose: namely, to inspire older Americans to stay healthy and fit.   And the athletes that participate should be an inspiration for all of us to get moving.  Quite a few are in their 80s and 90s, and they're not planning on slowing down anytime soon.  So, if you think you have [...]

FirstLantic Healthcare

FirstLantic Healthcare is a privately owned and operated home care agency, providing compassionate, professional care to clients in the South Florida community since 2000.

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